January 2, 2008


Jeremiah 3: 20 - 21

As we are now encountering a new year we know not all the different changes, heartaches, and directions life may take us in the next 12 months. The road of life is filled with turns and corners that can lead to danger and ruin. Our text reveals the fact that God has charged His people with "perverting their way." The word "way" is where we get our word "road." That is why we use the word "highway" or "wayside" we mean by the side of the road.

God rebukes Israel for getting off track and going down the wrong road for their lives. Getting off course can be a slow action that only shows the danger in the long run. People leave the road working a cell phone instead of driving the car and watching the road before them. It just takes you moving the steering wheel slightly for it to run you into danger down the road.

The Lord is warning Israel not to go to the left or the right, but to stay straight and continue down the right road of life. I wonder as we all face a dangerous intersection of this new year, which road will we take? Oh no, the change may not seem much now, but later on it will run us in a ditch or cost us our lives. May God give all of us the grace to stay on the road that is straight and narrow that leads to life everlasting.

The remaining space will be used to illustrate some different roads people took that has cost them more than they could have ever imagined.

(Psalms 1:6)

The way of the ungodly shall perish. There is a road you can take that will lead you into the dark pits of ungodliness. I wonder how many young people will start smoking this year? Rebel against parents? Run away from home? Experience sex before marriage? Drop out of school? Start gambling? Drink their first beer? Indulge in drugs? Get hooked on porn? Or even murder someone? Yes all of this list and much more can happen to any of us this year if you decide to take the wrong road of life.

Untold numbers of people carry the scares and marks of an uncontrolled life. Sin and corruption now have total leadership over every area of their lives. They function in bondage and slavery to the experiences of the flesh. The world has made them perform in a way they never dreamed they would every live. Failure and spiritual sickness influences every thought and goal. What a sad way to conclude life, being a puppet for the wages of sin. I wonder how many people will read this article and will not even be serving God at all this time next year?

(Proverbs 14:12)

A way that seemeth right to a man. That means that there are people that have ways that are not right, but they have deceived themselves into thinking it is a proper mind set. False doctrine and fleshly leadership has manifested this truth ever so much in the last generation of time. Cults and religions have come up everywhere as a result of spiritual deception. We must make sure that everything we believe and promote is straight from God's Word. The sayings of man and convictions of leaders has smoked out the true Bible doctrines that are to be taught and preached.

I have been amazed, yet very vocal, about this very matter happening in our movement. I have seen "man worship" and praises from seducing spirits promoted and enjoyed by pastor's to the point of making me sick to my stomach. Upon questioning such actions I was considered a threat to their cause and I remain that way until this day. But, I have also watched many of them run off with the same women that was praising them. I have seen the work of God turned into a cult ever so slow but sure. Wake up people of God to the reality that truth is with God's Word and nothing else.

(Matthew 7:13)

Broad way that leads to destruction. When people feel "free" because they have left the right road they know not that many of them has signed their own death notice to eternity. This is the part of the journey the Devil hates for people to reason within themselves. The high cost of rebellion and disobedience to God's will and His Word. This is not a threat nor a scare effort. I need not resort to such actions, but the truth remains that taking the wrong road will lead to much suffering and damage. Some will live long enough to return, but only to be handicapped and crippled for the rest of their lives. Most will die in ruins of regret and pain. The pay day for sin has always been death for the unpaid balance of fleshly desires.

How many untold number of graves could declare the truth to this dead end road of life? Yet some reading this article today will venture into that area before the next new years day! I would reconsider the price on not only my life, but the others it will affect as well.

(I Samuel 12:23) The good and right way.

This refers to the road of growing, because you have a desire to do right. Responding to God's Word as it deals with your heart and grooms your life to be more like Jesus. Not becoming a robot to the will of man, but a tool in the hands of God. We are encouraged to grow in the grace of God. Why don't we all make this year a year to let the life of God grow and guide every area of us from the inside out! When my boys were growing up they like to mark their height from one year to the next on a post. Each year they could witness their growth by the post. Lets all mark where we are with God today and see how much we can grow in the next 12 moths of time. I don't ever want to stop maturing in the things of our Lord. I want to reach out to higher ground to have a closer walk with God in my personal life.

(Isaiah 35:8) The way of holiness.

What ever happened to old fashion down to earth clean living? The right road is a road of holiness and dedication unto The Lord. Holiness is not just separating from, but it involves separating unto as well. We are to be free and clean from the world so that we can be filled and used by The Lord. We should be trusted, focused, clean, above reproach, blameless, honest, of good report, and Christ like.

Dedication is not easy and it leads to a lonely life much of the time. But, God will fill those times with His presence and power to give you grace to continue in His will.

The church has become so worldly and the world has become so churchy that it is hard to tell the difference between the two. Christians should be bold and glad to be different than the world and it's system. But, we have become shy and afraid because of our lack of the power of God in our lives. Holy Ghost filled people are bold people. We dare not be ashamed of our faith and our walk with God. It is an honor and joy to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ.


God said in (Isaiah 55:7) Let the wicked forsake his way.

To get on the right path of life a sinner must be willing to repent. He must turn from the direction he is going and turn to the direction God has laid out for us to travel. Jesus said it is the straight and narrow that leads to life everlasting. Mans will must be changed by the power of God to give him the desire and strength to overcome the world, flesh, and the Devil and turn to God. There might be one today reading this article and you understanding the road you are on is a dead street that will drop you off into the pit of hell. Turn to God and call upon Jesus Christ to save you. Christ paid the debt to God that will permit you to obtain the right road that leads to eternal life. Call upon Him while He is near, seek Him while He may be found. If you witness a desire to get right with God more than anything else in the world respond to that call with faith and willingness to obey God's Word to the saving of your never dying soul.

By Dr. Phil Kidd

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