September 2, 2008

Update on Delange Family

After a night and a day (Saturday night and Sunday, 8/30-31) of a few unwanted hurdles, today (9/1) has been a better day with some very welcomed and much need victories.

On Sunday evening they did the tracheotomy and PEG tube (feeding tube through the abdomen) on Matthew which seemed to have made almost immediate improvements. Later that night, as told by the nurse, she went in at one point, called his name and he opened his eyes to look at her. He also gave the 'thumbs up' on command and stuck out his tongue when she asked him to. Upon hearing this great news from the nurse, the anticipation for Lori and the family to get in to see him at 11AM (the first visiting hours of the day) was enormous, and he did not dissappoint! During the day today he has responded to simple commands like the 'thumbs up' and 'stick out your tongue.' HE WATCHED LORI as she would bend down to wipe his forehead or to give him a kiss for which he could not get enough (nor could she!) They have increased his 'stimulation' medicine to try to get him to 'wake up' even more. His breathing has also improved with the tracheotomy. Although still connected to the ventilator, he is breathing mostly on his own. In fact, all the time that I was in with him today, all the 'breaths' as monitored by the ventilator were his – not one by the machine!!!

Haleigh is getting better by the day. In physical therapy she played 'beach volleyball' with her siblings and cousin. She has lost some weight but the nurses are working on that. She will need some more rehab as she continues to work through her injuries inside and out.

WCPO out of Cincinnati ran a feature story on their news cast on Monday (9/1) evening.

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